DietBet Day #2 / Zumba Day #2

Weighed in: 176.5

I’m down 3 lbs. That may seem like a lot, but my weight flucuates so much. I’m just trying to get it into the 50s by September and 20s by Spring. I think it’s doable, but I need to keep moving.

Breakfast: Tropical Fruit Smoothie – Frozen Strawberries, Frozen Mango, Frozen Pineapple, Banana, Chia Seed, Rolled Oats, and Rice Milk.

I usually add almond milk, but I’m out, but had some Trader Joe’s rice milk. There was a taste difference, but not enough to complain. What’s your favorite milk alternative?

Lunch: Spicy Black Beans with Organic Tortilla Chips

Dinner: Homemade mini-pizzas w/ wheat thin bread, pasta sauce, shredded mozzarella, mushrooms, and pepporoni.

Today is the first day all week that I’ve eaten meat. I’ve been meal planning ahead of time and they’ve all been mostly vegan recipes. Today was a day I realized I need to keep a food journal. As painful as that sounds, I can’t keep binge eating or eating past the point of full. That’s why I am like I am!

Zumba was great, I sweat even more because it was a toning class. My arms are going to be sore in the mornin’.

I know my caloric intake was high today, so, I don’t plan on seeing a drastic weight drop like I did today. But, I have 26 days left to lose my 4%.

How’s your workouts today? This weeek? Next week I’m planning on tracking all my miles/minutes worked. So, I can see how many calories I’m burning. Any good apps/websites I should know about?


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